Saturday, July 29, 2006

I finally got into my email!

Been having trouble getting into my email account but I just sent off a short email to my brother!  I know that he will be glad because he has been asking me about whether or not I got the email he sent me.  There's still about 4 more emails from him and I answered one but now that I'm able to get back into my account I can read the rest of them and answer them!

It's been awhile since my brother has been online and he is currently getting excited about all the things that he can do online!  He just found out about Ebay and is already ready to buy some ham radio parts.  I like to tease him about getting addicted online because that is how I am and I like to tease him about being the same way.  I'm egging him on to get a blog like I have and also about him having a website!  He's still kind of new though and things are just sinking in for him and there is a lot of online stuff to discover.  But I want him to be addicted like me!

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