Thursday, March 29, 2007

Free Fonts! - A LOT of them!

My brother is always asking me to send him links to any free stuff that I think that he might like. I found a great one that has a lot of fonts that you can download for free!

I tell you that there are a lot of fonts on this page and they are free for anyone to download and use!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My Brother wants me to "Pimp" for him?

Now you know I thought this was a crazy idea when I first thought about it but later on (and it came to me while I was shopping at Shoprite) I realized that the majority of people I know are women because when I worked at Shoprite there were more women than men (except when I was working the overnights there). So I was shopping at the Shoprite and someone asked me how things were going and I started talking about my brother and then I remembered what me and my brother were talking about and I thought look at all these women here! I know a real smorgasbourd of women and some of them I KNOW that he would like. Some of them are young of course and I know that he would like them, some of them look like models so I know that he would like them too!

I'm not talking about dating. I'm talking about the "shipping" them off to him! Isn't it crazy what your mind can think about when you're not quite right?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I'm A M&M!

This is me (sort of)

Have you seen those M&M commercials where people have made an image of themselves as an M&M? I was on another website when I saw a link to the M&M site so I decided to give it a try.

You can make a character M&M character of yourself at this website. You can decide body shape, skin color, hair and even other stuff like glasses (which I do wear). Bear in mind you should have a powerful computer for this (or at least have access to one or someone else can create the character for you and then email it to you.

So what do you think? How do I look?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What If You Don't Have A Computer?

Someone recently asked me about computers. They didn't have one so they are using the ones that are available at their nearest library. I think that this is a great idea for those that don't have a computer. The best thing about using the computers in the library is that you don't have to pay for using them. I understand that at some libraries you only get a limited amount of time to use the computer but that is definitely better than nothing. I know at least one library in the Philadelphia area will sign you up for an email address - again, something that you don't have to pay for. I did a little checking around and found out that there are at least 2 internet cafes in the Philadelphia area. Internet cafes do charge a fee for you to use their computers.

It all depends on what you want to use your computer for but I think that it would be a good idea to start saving money so that you will be able to buy your own computer. Computers have come down a lot in price since I got mine. And to be quite honest with you I got my computer from QVC. I think they offer the most "bang" for your money and with computers you get a good warranty and free technical support.

Now you may want to get your computer at a store and there is nothing wrong with that but do be careful. You will want to get the best computer that you can. A lot of it will depend on what you are going to be using your computer for. I do know that Aldi's (across from the Cheltenham Shoprite) has sales on computers from time to time. They are at a good price but you have to know what payment terms they are willing to take. The next time I see an Aldi computer sale I'll post about it here.

My brother does computer repairs. He also has some computers for sale. I just sent him a flyer from someone in the Philly area that also does computer work. I sent him the flyer because I wanted him to see how others are advertising the same thing that he is doing. It's not professionally done (which my brother agreed with) but it does have pictures of the kind of work that they do and having any kind of flyer is better than having none at all.

This particular business does free computer diagnostics, on-the-spot repairs and also has computers for sale - some are as low as $300! Sounds a lot like the same kind of work that my brother does!

I'm sure that there are many of these kinds of businesses in the Philadelphia area that has computers for sale. But again I say to be very careful when buying a computer. Consider it an investment and buy the best one that you can!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Blast From The Past!

This black and white photo had to have been taken back in the late 1960's or early 1970's! Do I remember this picture being taken? No. But I do remember us having to have to go to church every Sunday. Back then the name of our church was Prince Of Peace Baptist Church and it was located right in the heart of North Philly at around 31st and Berks Street.

I'm in the middle and those two guys are my brothers!

They will probably both be tickled when they see this picture! We don't have very many family pictures so the ones that we do have are precious! We had a lot of family photos a long time ago but as time passed the number of them dwindled down to almost nothing.

But at least we have this one!

I guess I'm going to have to start a family photo album kind of thing and build up on the few pictures that I do have.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Powell Funeral Home

Powell Funeral Home Inc

2432 N 27th St

Philadelphia, PA 19132

(215) 229-5205

I have been meaning to talk about this place. People have asked me why I chose the funeral home that I did when my mother passed away. The answer is very simple - it was the same funeral home that took care of my father's funeral service. Now when my father died I was more than 20 years younger and I was kind of in a daze/haze about everything that was going on at the time but I do remember the service (although I don't even remember how I actually got to the service and about what happened after the service but I do remember the service. It was like everything felt like it was being taken care of and there wasn't no need to worry about pesky little details - that is what I remember about the service. I also remember just how dignified and respectful the service was. Later I just kept the name of the funeral home in my memory just in case that they were needed again.

Now when my mother died they were the first people I called. Kind of amazing that they were still in business after all these years. I mean I kept their name in my memory and later looked to see that they were still in business but I never called or found out if they were actually still in business because really who would want to jinx theirself by calling a funeral home and saying "Oh, I just wanted to know that you were still in business". But after my mother died and I called them again I wasn't 100% but they must have understood that when they talked to me on the phone. The plain truth is that they were more than just helpful! My mother's funeral service (just like my father's) was very dignified and the services provided were very professional.

Later, well after the service, I told them that and I also told them that I would talk about them and recommend them to everybody that asked me. Of course I didn't get around to mentioning it until now but that is because there was a descussion about funeral homes in the Philadelphia area and how professional they were (or weren't) and that's what made me remember about the Powell Funeral Home.

This is just a general post about them done on the fly because I was just thinking about them but I plan to add more info about them here. As far as I know they don't have a website but I have some of their literature and I will be posting more information about them here.

You hear abouut how everything is bad in North Philly but you rarely hear about the good stuff!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

My Mother and Father

My Mother & Father

I just sent this picture to my brother. It's going to bring back a lot of memories for him!

As you can tell, this picture is very old! It was taken in 1955. There aren't many photos of my mother and father - especially both of them together in one picture so I know that my brother will be glad to get it!

If you're wondering why I'm not in the photo that is because I wasn't even born yet - smile